Wildland Fire Origin and Cause Determination
The new On Line “Wildland Fire Origin & Cause Determination” FI-201 course serves to provide a consistent distant learning knowledge and skill base opportunity for those interested in becoming a wildland fire investigator. The course is directly aligned to the NFPA and the lead instructor has the approval of the South African ICS Working Group. While students have the luxury and benefit of working through the 8 module course at their own pace. Each student is required to have 3 reports found to meet a suitable standard.
A practical infield day can be arranged (for students own costs) to discuss the contents of the required report, and we will also provide them with a proforma report which they can use when writing their own report.
Virtual discussions can also be provided if and when needed.
Each report needs to consist of the following:
- Cover page (name of investigator, date of fire, name of fire, name of client, etc.)
- Contents page
- Summary
- Mandate
- Methodology
- Findings (location maps, weather data, fire pattern indicators, flagging the general origin, determining the specific origin, evidence collected, etc.)
- Hypotheses
- Conclusion
- Appendix: Witness information and accounts
- Appendix: Photo and GPS log
- Appendix: Evidence log
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction to Fire Investigations and legal aspects
StartIntroduction to Wildland Fire Cause and Determination
StartPurpose to Wildland Fire Cause and Determination
StartInvestigating the Scene
StartPersonal Protective Equipment
StartInvestigation Team
StartManagement of Major Investigations