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Computer Basics for Beginners
Computer Basics for beginners
Let’s get started at the beginning (12:50)
What is a PC? (2:39)
What is a Mac?
What is a tablet computer? (17:42)
What is "online"?
Computer terms and internet specialized language called jargon
Computer terms and internet specialized language called jargon
New Computer Users
Tips for new computer users
Choosing the right computer
Choosing the right printer
How to use your new computer?
What is Microsoft Windows?
Online file storage
What is a dialog Box?
My Computer
Why is my Computer slow?
My computer keeps on freezing
a Guide to the computer desktop
How to recover a deleted file?
How to arrange the Windows 10 desktop?
How to take screenshots?
What is a PDF file?
How to use a Dropbox?
How to install updates on your Windows 10 computer?
What is a cursor?
My Computer Hardware
How to use my Computer Hardware?
How to turn off your computer?
What is a network?
Windows 10
New and improved features of Windows 10
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New and improved features of Windows 10
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