Computer Basics for Beginners
Introduction to computer basics for beginners
“It is never too late to start learning what the world of computers are all about. Start from the very beginning and you will soon be the expert you dreamt off.”
When using computers for the first time it can feel very strange. Similar to when you get off an airplane in a country you have never visited. The language the people talk feel and sound very strange. But soon after a while you pick up on the language and start to communicate. Before you know it you will master the basics of computers and you will be able to speak the basic language of the computer world.
PS: There will be no questions or exams for this course
Thank you for your interest in our courses.
As a dynamic company we want to help you and your institution to achieve the success you are looking for.
Available online course:
1) Basic ICS (I-100)
2) ICS for single Resources and initial attack incidents (I-200)
3) ICS for Expanding Incidents (ICS I-300)
4) Planning Process
5) Computer Basics for beginners
Our new ICS board game will be available soon (In development)
Click the link below to visit our complete list of courses.
Dynamic Incident Management complete course list
PS: We are currently developing more courses that will benefit you and your institution.
Your Instructor

Congratulations in completing the course!!
We want to thank you for enrolling in the online Computer Basics for beginners course.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information or additional courses.
Michelle Kleinhans